The Explore to Exploit Continuum

Pete Kinser
2 min readJun 26, 2020

Connecting strategy to execution through the lens of culture, leadership styles, and team skills.

At ThinkWyn, we’re sharing some of the tools we use with Product and Design teams and leaders who are seeking to clearly connect their strategy to execution — specifically organizations that want to distinguish the culture, style, and skills of their teams that focus on growth.

In this video (below) I share one of the strategic tools we use in both executive education courses and with clients. Our clients range from startups who — for obvious reasons — have unique pressures to focus their strategic intentions to the large enterprise who have become large enough that the organizational objectives and strategies aren’t well understood across all tiers of leadership and teams.

Our hope is this primer will give you a new way of seeing your organization and that this perspective will challenge you to consider how you’re structured and what skills you might need to fortify your growth efforts.

We originally created this tool in 2015 based on the writings and lectures of Clayton Christensen and have been continued to be inspired by Alex Osterwalder — great thinking and we highly recommend it.

As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

#product, #design, #productDesign, #strategy, #designStrategy, #growth, #culture, #leadership, #skills, #organizationalCulture, #experienceDesign, #designResearch, #userCenteredDesign



Pete Kinser

Design is an expression of our values. Co-Founder & Strategic Design Principal